of world-wide scope
1. Dance Day
Celebrated on 29 April all over the world by many millions of dancers since 1982:
2. Global Dance Directory
Since 1999, an online database with over 400,000 addresses in 200 countries, constantly updated:
3. UNESCO projects
Within its formal relations with UNESCO, CID carries out projects financed by UNESCO under its various programs. CID also carries out common projects with other NGOs partners of UNESCO.
4. Circulars
Members and 50,000 other dance professionals are informed monthly on scholarships, invitations to perform, conferences, publications, festivals and other opportunities of multi-national scope:
5. The CID Library
Books, magazines, articles, DVDs, poems authored or edited by CID members. Readers can contact authors directly:
6. Dance Research Congress
300 specialists from 30 countries attend each congress; 59 congresses since 1987. Researchers, teachers, choreographers and suppliers of dance-related products showcase their work:
7. International Conferences
Attracting dance professionals from about 20 countries each time. Past venues include: Belgrade, Corfu, Istanbul, London, Montevideo, New York, Nicosia, Novosibirsk, Ohrid, Paris, Pyongyang, Seoul, Sevilla, Skopje, Urgup, Miami.
8. Dancers without Frontiers
Exchange of visits among choreographers, educators, companies, researchers in different countries. About 50 exchanges a year since 1990.
9. Dance History Gallery
An archive containing 17,000 works of art having dance or dancers as their theme.
10. The History of Dance portal
Texts and pictures relative to dance before 1900, in several languages. A series of books and albums, and a large portal serving the needs of the global dance community in historical material. All forms of dance from ballet to butoh, from bamba to belly dance.
11. VideoDance
Festivals or competitions of choreographies on video or DVD; entries from about 50 countries. Since 1988.
12. Dance in Poetry
Several anthologies published as books with works by great poets in English, French, Spanish and other languages. Also a collection of poems by CID members.
13. Dance on Postage Stamps
Encouraging young dancers to collect postage stamps depicting dance. A global catalogue has been published; it has been awarded medals in 7 international philatelic exhibitions.
14. Dance Writings
A library of texts (books articles, excerpts, DVDs) fostering dance research.
15. Dance and Spirituality
Linking the theory and practice of dance with forms of spiritual quest. Meetings, festivals, performances, workshops, classes, choreographies, publications, websites etc.
16. Certification of Dance Studies
A certificate is issued for every 150 hours of instruction in a given form of dance. The goal is to create a uniform platform for dance education, thereby allowing greater mobility for dancers.
17. Panorama
Festivals, competitions, workshops, classes, books, performances and other events – classified according to country and region:
18. Bookshelf
Digital books available free of charge. CID assists authors in publishing and promoting their books. CID encourages dance schools to have a shelf with books their students can borrow, thus promoting dance literacy: ‘No dance school without books’
19. Scholarships
A sum of at least 500 euros is offered to young persons towards studying in another country for a short period.
20. Curriculum
Introducing to dance schools the notion of a curriculum. Dance classed should be complemented with other subjects like dance history, anatomy, music etc.