hand bag

Main characteristics
CID is an umbrella organization, in the sense that it evolves on a different level from its members. It is not connected to any particular dance school, company, federation or other institution.
CID does not organize festivals, workshops, competitions or other events — its Sections and its members do.
Being strictly non-commercial, it sells no products or services. Its only resource is membership fees. It is independent of any government, political ideology or economic interest.
CID treats all forms of dance on an equal basis. It does not promote a particular view of dance, recognizing its universal character as an art form, as a means of education and as a research subject.
It is non-discriminatory. Reflecting the principles of the United Nations and UNESCO, it is open to all approaches to dance, without prejudice for race, gender, religion, political affiliation or social status.
CIDisgoverneddemocratically — itsleadership is electedeveryfouryears. Elected officers receive no emolument.
Membershipincreases constantly; in 2014 it included more than1100 institutional members (federations, schools, companies, competitions, festivals etc.) and over 8,000 individual members (choreographers, educators, dance historians, administrators, critics and others) in 170 countries.
It is open to membership, accepting organizations, institutions or persons with sufficient credentials.
What CID does not do
— CID does not organize events
It is CID Sections and CID Members that organize classes, performances, festivals, workshops, competitions etc., sometimes with technical support from the Secretariat.
— CID does not give titles
It has no representatives, no delegates, no appointed dignitaries. All CID officials are elected by CID members at international or at local level.
— CID does not accept money
Its only income is membership fees. No sponsors, no commissions, no charge for goods or services, no subsidies. On the other hand, CID Sections receive subsidies or donations and have income from goods or services.
— CID does not discriminate
CID philosophy promotes total equality among Members, all-inclusive policy, no preference for any form of dance, country of origin, approach to dance, race, gender, religion, political orientation etc.
— CID does not have rules of conduct
Members are free to act as they deem best, without any limitation on the part of CID.
— CID does not depend
CID does not rely on the support of anyone, it is completely autonomous and self-supporting.
— CID does not have a hidden purpose
It dos not serve the interests of a particular person, an institution, a country, an interest group.