Types of CID membership
1. Individual Member
Individual membership is for physical persons. An individual person can become CID Member in two ways:
a) After nomination by a CID Member; in which case there is no evaluation of his/her profile (curriculum vitae, bio).
b) Without nomination, after evaluation of his/her profile.
2. Institutional Member
Institutional membership is for moral persons, i.e. juridical entities, that is schools, dance companies, amateur groups, federations, associations, foundations, business companies etc.
An institution can become an Institutional Member of CID when its chief executive officer (president, artistic director, owner) and/or other leading persons of the institution (teachers of a school, choreographers of a company, associates, members of the board of a federation etc.) have joined CID as individual members.
3. Institutional membership
does not imply that other persons of the institution are automatically CID Members – they can join CID as individuals without evaluation of their profile.
4. Youth Member
Dancers under 18 years of age become Youth Members of the CID upon nomination by their teacher in view of granting International Certification to them.
5. Associate Member
Associate Members are individuals or institutions who are prominent members of CID and contribute financially to its aims. As benefactory members they pay an increased annual fee which is used to cover membership fees for members from very poor countries.
6. Honorary Member
Honorary Members are persons who have rendered very important services to CID. They take part in General Assemblies, without voting rights.
7. CID Sections
Sections are institutional members of the CID, enjoying considerable privileges.
To attend a CID Congress or other CID events one has to be an individual member.
To attend the CID General Assembly one can be: either an individual member, or an individual member representing an institutional member (in which case he/she has two votes).