Global Dance Directory

  The Global Dance Directory of CID contains over 300,000 dance professionals and institutions (dance schools, companies, amateur ensembles, federations, and others in the dance industry) in all 200 countries of the world.

Features of the Global Dance Directory


1.  It is the largest directory ever compiled in the arts (over 300,000 addresses in 200 countries).

2.  It is strictly non-commercial: Free entry, free consultation, no advertisements, nothing on sale.

3.  It is endorsed by the International Dance Council CID at UNESCO, the official umbrella organization for all forms of dance in all countries of the world.

4.  It includes professionals in all forms of dance, as well as institutions and related professions.

5.  It shows all data submitted. Email addresses are not shown, to avoid spamming.

6.  It includes a contact address and an active removal procedure.

7.  It is designed and maintained daily by a team of dedicated staff, members of CID.

8.  It is guaranteed never to be sold, given to others or used for other purposes.

9.  It is constantly updated, since 1998.

10.  Listings do not enter directly, but are manually corrected by our staff to ensure they follow international standards.