The Register of CID Members 


Only institutions or individuals listed in the CID Register of Members can use the title of 
Member of the International Dance Council CID    after their name.

You can also check if someone is a Member of the CID by searching the Global Dance Directory 
For an institution (dance school, company, federation, association) type one or two words from its title.
For an individual person type his/her family name.
If you are not sure of the correct spelling type other keywords, such as street or locality and dance genre (ballet, ballroom, belly, Indian…).
If you get too many replies try another spelling or another combination of keywords.





CID Active

CID Members

Export : Active Members , 15 hours ago

Active members of the CID are those who have renewed membership for the current year.
Membership is to be renewed in December every year.
Inactive members are not deleted from the Register of Members, reminders are sent to them until they renew or desist.
They have an intermediate status between members and non-members until the Executive
Committee decides on their removal from the Register.

To find contact details of members and non-members,
or to read the profile of members, type their name in the search window of the Global Directory.