CID Officers and staff


    CID officers are elected every four years at the General Assembly, where CID members vote (also by proxy, to ensure that all can vote). Names of members of the current CID Executive Committee are shown at

    The current President of CID Prof Dr Alkis Raftis was born in Athens. He holds degrees from 4 universities and has learnt 8 languages. He has taught at 4 universities and has lectured in another 20. He has authored 22 books on dance, culture and management. He has edited 28 books, 8 CDs, 9 CD-ROMs and a bi-monthly review, as well as 50 websites at Dr Raftis has held top posts in industrial, banking and cultural organizations; he is president of the national Dora Stratou Dance Theater in Athens. He travels to another country each month to attend meetings of CID members.

    The CID Headquarters deals with UNESCO and governmental organizations. You can meet there:
Countess Françoise de Caulaincourt, Commander of the Legion of the Arts, President of the Paris Section
Mr. Dr. Constantin Kontogiannis, Vice-President of the Paris Section
Call   +33 1 4568 4953  or  +33 1 4647 9791 for an appointment.

    The General Secretariat of CID is permanently in Paris. It handles contacts with UNESCO, embassies and governments.

    The Executive Secretariat is where the President is located, it will move to the new President’s country when another President is elected. It handles contacts with Members. It is currently housed in a 5-storey mansion in Plaka, the old town of Athens under the Acropolis, built around 1850.


Adamantia Angeli
General Secretary

General Secretariat


Countess Françoise de Caulaincourt
President of the Paris Section

Dr. Constantin Kontogiannis
Vice-President of the Paris Section


Margarita Séguy

Maître Georgia Kouvela
Legal Counsellor

Paraskevi Karantza
Chartered Accountant







Stergios Theocharidis
Informatics Officer

Executive Secretariat


Ms. Lambrini Raikou
Deputy Treasurer



Mr. Stamatis Theocharidis
IT Manager

Sergey Khudenko

Regional Secretary


Regional Supervisors

Anastasia Nikita

Eleni Kouki

Fotini Ioannidu

                  Maro Papadopoulou


Christina Katsoula

Management Assistants


  They work on a network of more than 30 computers connected to a very powerful server cluster (24 CPU cores, 96 Gigabytes RAM and 7 Terabytes enterprise-grade storage). All are dedicated CID members. Other CID members work in their respective countries on a volunteer basis.

                           Jules Waterlot

                                                                                                Mélina Hassani

Dominik Erdei

                                                                             Hellen Labrinos Vlattas

Ambre Ceretto


Permanent Headquarters

International Dance Council CID
CID, UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, FR-75732 Paris 15, France
WhatsApp:  +33 6 1155 3111


The CID President’s Office  

is currently at:
Dora Stratou Dance Theater, Scholiou 8, Plaka, GR-10558 Athens, Greece
Tel. +30 210 324 4395; fax +30 210 324 6921    Skype: cid-president001