CID business card
Only CID Members have the right to use business cards bearing the CID logo. The logo is protected by international copyright laws, unauthorized use is illegal.
A business card has 4 parts:
1. Top part
The CID logo and the full name of CID in English and French (the two official working languages of CID).
You can add underneath the name in the language of your country (for example: Consejo Internacional de la Danza)
Ask the CID Secretariat to send the CID logo to you.
2. Middle part
Your full name (in bold letters)
Your functions, professions, titles (in smaller letters, italics)
Member of the CID
3. Left-hand side
International Dance Council
CID c/o UNESCO, FR-75732 Paris, France
4. Right-hand side
Your postal address
Your phone numbers
Your website or Facebook page
Your email address
You can use any paper quality, any size of card. You can design and print your own cards.
If you order to a printing shop, print as many as possible: the additional cost from 100 to 1000 cards is usually small.
Click here for a CID card sample