CID program no. 16

International Certification of Dance Studies

click here for basic information

 The International Dance Council CID, official partner of UNESCO, validates teaching by offering FREE OF CHARGE to its Members the International Certification of Dance Studies.


1. Each level is 150 hours of instruction.

2. The school, the teacher and the student are Members of CID.

3. The school sends to CID a declaration that the student has completed 150 hours.

4. CID sends formal Certification on parchment paper, valid world-wide. An official hands parchment to the student at a special ceremony.

5. After Level 1 the student can proceed to Level 2 (another 150 hours) then another 150 hours for Level 3, according to the requirements of the school.

6. This applies to all countries, all forms of dance.

7. It is free of charge, like all services provided by CID.


Only CID can offer solid guarantees since it is:
– official, recognized by governments, partner of UNESCO
– world-wide, in more than 170 countries
 independent from any influences or interests
– global, not linked to any particular country
– strictly non-profit, accepting no money other than membership fees
– democratically governed by elected officers
– firmly established, with a long history of 44 years
– competent, bringing together top-level specialists
 encompassing, absolutely all forms of dance

Characteristics of CID certification

– Uniformity: system is the same for all countries.
– Verification: inquiries on certified students are confirmed by CID.
– Security: certificates are issued centrally, by the CID Secretariat
– Selection: schools, teachers and students are members of the CID
– Equality: all forms of dance, all tendencies
– Stability: will never change
– Flexibility: can be given in addition to other qualifications
– Gratuity: always free of charge

Procedure for

International Certification of Dance Studies

1. The teacher or director of the school is admitted to CID as Member.

2. The school is admitted to CID as Member, nominated by the teacher.

3. The teacher sends a filled a form for each student having completed 150 hours.

4. The students are admitted to CID as Student Members, nominated by the teacher.

5. The Executive Secretariat of CID sends to the school International Certification.

6. The School Director or an important personality of the city hands parchment to the students at a special ceremony.

7. A student can continue for another 150 hours, for example: Ballet Level 5, Tango Level 2, Dance Therapy Level 3.

8. Assuming 38 working weeks in a year:
4 hours a week x 38 weeks = 152 hours, that is a Level in 1 year
2 hours a week x 38 weeks = 76 hours a year, that is a Level in 2 years
1 hour a week x 38 weeks = 38 hours a year, that is a Level in 4 years.

9. Total cost is only membership fees: for teacher + for school + for each student’s membership. Certification is free of charge.

Student data for Certification

 Please return this form after filling it for each student/dancer you nominate for International Certification of Dance Studies.

Full name of student:
Postal address of student:
Email address of student:
Fixed telephone:
Mobile telephone:

Type of dance:
Name of school:
Name of teacher:


– Total cost is only membership fees: for the teacher + for the school + for each student.

Certification is free of charge.

– Data in bold characters above will be printed in English on the Certification parchment. Make sure the spelling is correct.

– Type of dance must be one only, for example: ballet or tango or ballroom or dance therapy etc., in English.

– Level must be a number, that is 1 or 2 or 3. Each level is 150 hours. No more than one Certification in a year.

– Documents are sent to the school, not to students.

– Ask students to validate their email address at: 

– Please make sure the awarding ceremony shows the importance of International Certification. Invite parents, personalities, journalists, officials. Post photos from the ceremony at the Facebook page: https:/  

Guidelines for International Certification

1.  Full data for each student
We need full data for each student, including:
–   Mr.  or  Ms.   for males or females.
–   We are not familiar with all foreign names. Write family name in capital letters. Given name(s) before family name(s). Full name as on identity card. Use only Roman alphabet (no accented letters).
–   Full postal address, email address, phone numbers (note if mobile phone).
–   Kind of dance, such as Ballet, Bharatanatyam, Ballroom, Bellydance etc. Use internationally accepted terms. Do not use other terms such as advanced, professional, intermediary etc.
–   Level is only a number: 1 or 2  or 3 …. A level corresponds to at least 150 hours of instruction. Level can be up to 10.
–  Year of birth (under 18 years of age membership fee is lower).
–  Data of minors will not appear online.

2.  Only one Certification in a year
even if the student has done more than 150 hours that year. A student can have two Certifications in a year if taught 150 hours in each of two forms of dance.

3.  Name of school
must be short, no more than four words. Official name only, no subtitles.

4.  Name of teacher
must be short, no more than four words. Two teachers’ names can be written on the parchment if both are CID Members and names are not too long.

5.  School requirements
The School Director can decide not to award Certification after completion of 150 hours, and ask students to pass an examination or follow additional classes.

6.   Age of student
Student should be at least 7 years of age the day of the awarding ceremony. There is no maximum age.

7.  Same school
Certification means that the student has taken at least 150 hours of classes in the same school. All names on the parchment must be CID Members.

8.  Content of the 150 hours
They can include hours of class, training, performances, examinations, theoretical lectures (theory, Anatomy, Dance History etc.). The School Director can give credit for studies done outside the school (other forms of dance, university degrees, performance experience etc.). She can ask for more hours to obtain a Level, 150 hours is a minimum.

9.  Responsibility
Method and duration of instruction remains the responsibility of the School Director, who fills the form and sends to us.  We send documents to the Director, never to students.

10.  Program of teaching
There is no CID syllabus, every school has its own content of classes or of examinations. The School Director remains entirely responsible for the quality of instruction and the accuracy of information provided.

11.  Certifying a teacher
Procedure is the same: the teacher should ask her own teacher and school to certify her.
A teacher does not need to be certified in order to award Certification to students.
The number of Certifications a teacher gives is a good measure of the teacher’s value.

12.  Other qualifications
CID International Certification is not meant to replace other qualifications (diplomas, certificates, licenses etc.). It is awarded additionally to facilitate mobility. Other qualifications are of limited value since they are issued by private organizations.

13.  Certifying former students
You can certify students having left your school years ago – it will make them happy and might bring them back for another Level.

14.  The meaning of Certification
People often confuse Certification with a certificate. A certificate is document given by ONE PARTY to another, for example from a school to its students. Certification is given by a THIRD PARTY, that is an independent organization. It confirms or validates a fact declared by the school.

15.  Warning
Beware of private businesses disguised as international organizations awarding titles such as degrees, teacher diplomas, championships, certificates, competition prizes, tests etc. Such documents have no value outside their own small circle.

16.  Who can teach dance
Dance is an art, there are no restrictions on who can teach an art (fortunately!). Teaching dance is open to all, same as practicing dance. Teaching qualifications inform the public about a teacher, but they are not legally valid unless recognized by a government.

17.  Government recognition
CID is in touch with National Delegations at UNESCO and Ministries of Culture or Education regarding recognition of International Certification.

18.  More details at:
Instagram   #CIDDanceInternationalCertification