Complimentary services to dance professionals

1.  Listing in the Global Dance Directory. 400,000 listings, 3 million visits 

2.  Receiving the CID Circular monthly. Scholarships, jobs, invitations to perform, to teach or to lecture, new publications etc. 

3.  Your event at the CID Panorama. The official portal, arranged by location. 

4.  Your celebration of Dance Day 29 April, posted for maximum publicity 

5.  Your intellectual production at CID Writings. Articles, books, magazines, excerpts. 

6.  The Dance History portal. Food for the thoughtful dancer. 50 thematic websites, 30,000 works of art, vintage photos, rare texts. 

7.  The CID Executive Secretariat operating 7/24/365. Send email in any language.


CID@UNESCO serves the entire dance community, which includes YOU!

Search this website or send email to the CID Secretariat regarding services offered free of charge to CID Members.